We shape strategies, curate campaigns and cultivate partnerships for bigger, bolder change.



Cut through the noise

Our strategists help clients define and refine the change they want to make and develop customised roadmaps to achieve it. This includes all manner of change strategies – from behavioural to cultural, institutional, political or programmatic.

research and insights
brand strategy
purpose consulting
communications strategy
campaign strategy
advocacy and policy engagement
digital and paid media
thought leadership
organisational positioning
Our approach to strategy development

We develop strategies through an inclusive and participatory process that centres the expertise and knowledge of those closest to the work. We carve out pathways through the chaos and design plans that are ambitious, robust and realistic.



Get loud

We identify what drives different audiences, and develop 360 campaigns to help groups speak more effectively to each other. We leverage events, media, web and all manner of creative design and activations to engage and mobilise people with the power to shift policy, move money and inspire action.

artivism and events
storytelling and content strategy
brand development
graphic design and illustration
web design and development
message development and testing
digital media
OOH marketing
PR and media relations
Our approach to campaigning

Public mobilisation builds political power. If we want to drive change we need to amass the biggest ‘we’ possible. Our campaigns are designed to drive issue salience, shift thinking and change behaviours.



Go beyond the echo chamber

We are a platform for experiential partnerships that drive social change. We help groups navigate new spaces, uncover common interests and translate their individual work into shared visions and strategies. We leverage our unique network of thought partners and power brokers to connect allies across spaces and facilitate new ways of working together.

coalition building
hosting and incubation services
community management
trainings and workshops
programme design and incubation
meeting and workshop facilitation
advisory and partnership brokering
Our approach to partnerships

We broker partnerships that have the potential to deliver social impact. This can look like introducing new players to each other, designing joint programming or hosting collaborative initiatives.

Ready to cause a comotion?

We’d love to discuss all the ways we can turn your passion and purpose into social change!

Join the comotion