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Global Fund for Women

Partnerships Strategies Gender
We created a walk-through protest installation at WOW Festival to raise awareness about women’s funds for Global Fund for Women. This engaged 20% of delegates, built a strong base for follow-up campaigns and strengthened partnerships between GFW, WOW and FEMINIST.

The Global Fund for Women (GFW) sought support in elevating their 1.9 rising campaign which addressed the funding disparity for women and girls’ organisations. This installation aimed to increase awareness around the issue of funding for women’s rights and mobilise new supporters for GFW.


Only 1.9% of all donations reach organisations focused on women and girls. Women’s funds, such as GFW are advocating for more funding but have limited success. This is due in part to lack of awareness – the general public aren’t aware of the funding disparity, don’t know what women’s funds are, or the work they do.


Drive awareness about the funding issue for women’s rights and introduce new audiences to the work of women’s funds, while generating video content for follow up campaigning efforts.


We worked with local street artists in Manchester to design a walk through protest installation at the WOW Festival. A protest is the most recognised visual for women’s rights and something that many people have participated in. We created a space where people could contribute to the issues they care about on a placard and shared information on the funding crisis. We also designed signage and other visual assets in the Global Fund for Women branding to guide people through the space. We then captured their emails for follow up campaigning efforts and established a partnership with the FEMINIST to launch a digital campaign using the content from the activation for creative.


The initial outcomes of our campaign have shown promising engagement and established valuable connections, although results are still being finalised. However, we have successfully:

  • Engaged over 20% of conference delegates in the activation
  • Established a strong audience base to build on for follow up campaign
  • Strengthened relationship with WOW and brokered new relationship between GFW, WOW and feminist influencers

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